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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Tips Dan Triks Facebook. Tampilkan semua postingan

Cara Mengetahui Siapa Yang Suka Melihat Profile Facebook Mu

Cara Mengetahui Siapa Yang Suka Melihat Profile Facebook Mu
- Assalammualikum Wr Wb Selamat Sore, Sobat WOng Sirau Apa kabar..? semoga baik ya, kali ini anasz akan mengshare trik Cara Mengetahui Siapa Yang Suka Melihat Profile Facebook Mu Penasaran ya siapa saja yang menjungui profile FB mu..?? Langsung aja ya..

Baca Juga Artikel Sebelumnya : Sejarah Yahoo, Bing, Twitter

Step By Step :

-Buka Facebook Anda Atau Jika Sudah Masuk anda ke beranda dahulu..
- Jika Sudah Tekan Tombol CTRL+ U

Muncul Kaya Gini

- Nanti Mencul Windows Baru Kecil

- Lalu Tekan Tombol CTRL + F
Kaya Gini

- Jika Anda Make Mozila Fire Fox Akan Muncul Di Bawah Jika Anda pake google crome akan muncul di atas
- Kalo udah muncul Pastekan Kode Ini
[ OrderedFriendsListInitialData ]  di Kotak putihnya tanpa tanda kurung lalu nanti akan terarah otomatis
- Jika Muncul bacaan seperti  ini




- Itulah ID Facebook Yang sering Menjungi FB anda

Cara Melihatnya Adalah :

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=Masukan Kodenya/Idnya

Contoh : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001477525572
Lalu enter di Addres Bar Browserr anda.

Gampang bukan..???

Sekian Dari Saya.

Wassalammualaikum Wr Wb..

Jika Kurang Paham Silahkan Koment Di Bawah ini..

Cara Menggunakan Auto Colek/Auto Poke Di Facebook

Suka colek teman atau orang lain di Facebook ? Ternyata kita bisa dengan otomatis melakukan colek/Auto Poke kepada akun Facebook orang lain. Trik ini akan kita coba dengan menggunakan browser Google Chrome. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa Auto Poke ini menggunakan jQuery, yang diambil dari Google API. Fitur ini cukup aman digunakan karena memiliki delay waktu 30 detik untuk setiap "colekan" (poke) 10 akun Facebook.
Simak caranya dibawah ini:
  1. Login ke akun Facebook Anda dengan menggunakan browser Google Chrome
  2. Setelah login, tekan tombol CTRL+SHIFT+J
  3. Copy dan paste-kan code di bawah ini, lalu tekan ENTER

  • Pilih Poke All Friends, lalu pilih I understand the risks... Lihat gambar.

  • Jika berhasil, maka akan muncul pop up window seperti ini:

  • Selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil =))

    Special thanks to Cyber4rt.com

    Cara Melihat Nomor ID Facebook Kita Sendiri

     Assalammualaikum Wr Wb.

    Kali Ini Saya Akan Memberi Tutorial Cara Melihat Nomor ID facebook Kita Sendiri...

    Kebanyakkan ID Facebook kita buat Auto LIke Atau Sebagainya....

    Langsung Aja ya kawand...

    Pertama Buka  https://graph.facebook.com/anas.part.i  [ Ganti Username Yang anas.part.i itu dengan username anda]

    Contohnya : https://graph.facebook.com/AnaszBlogs

    Step Kedua : Setelah Buka Link Yang Di Atas Tadi Nanti Ada Tulisan Kaya gini

    "id": "100000219737263", << ID Facebook Anda
    "name": "AN A SZ",
    "first_name": "AN",
    "middle_name": "A",
    "last_name": "SZ",
    "link": "https://www.facebook.com/Anas.Part.I",
    "username": "Anas.Part.I",
    "gender": "male",
    "locale": "id_ID"

    Selesai Dah,,,

    Sekian Dari Saya Selamat Menjalankan Ibadah Puasa..

    Wasalammualaikum Wr Wb...

    Cara Mengganti Nama Facebook 2012 New Triks | Anasz-BLogs

    Assalammualaikum Wr Wb..

    Ketemu lagi dengan saya ./Radent'Mas Anasz

    Maap ya jarang buat articel akhir-akhir ini soalnya jarang main warnet lagi...

    Kali ini saya akan membuat artikel CARA MENGGANTI/CHANGE NAMA FACEBOOK 2012.

    Pasti Penasaran Kan???

    Langsung AJa Yok Cekidot..

    Step 1 .

    Buka/Login Facebook Anda Di FACEBOOK.COM

    Step 2

    Baca Bismilahh...

    Step 3

    Buka Link Ini Change Name

    Nanti Keluar Gambar Kaya Gini Di Atas..  

    Step 4

    Isi Forumulirnya

    Step 5

    Klik Kirim

    Step 6

    Tunggu Dengan Waktu Yang DI Tentukan...

    Step 7

    Happy Family wkowowkwo....

    Sekian artikel dari saya...


    Jangan Lupa Visit Blog Baru Ane...

    ./Radent'Mas Anasz [ Tentang Hacking]     Portal All Blog Saya Click Here 
    Youtubenya Indonesia Click Here

    Dua Puluh Lima [25] Triks dalam facebook | Anasz-Blogs

    1. Hide Your Facebook Online Status Selected From a Friend:
    So, you want to use Facebook chat but do not want some people to see your online status? Simply open Facebook Chat and click Friends List. Start a new list called the blocklist.
    Once the list is created, add to your list of friends you want to appear offline. When the list is complete, the hover the mouse over the small green icon adjacent to the list and click Go Offline. Bingo! You will now appear offline to everyone in the blocklist. also easy to hack facebook2. View Profile Friends Without a Messy Application:
    If you're like me, you are often annoyed by dozens of silly applications that people who have added to their profile. Here's a Grease Monkey script that allows you to view any profile without any application. Remember: the web browser Mozilla Firefox is a prerequisite to run Greasemonkey.3. Display your Facebook status in your Wordpress Blog:
    You want to display a Facebook status update on your Wordpress blog? There is a plugin that is not appropriate. StatusPress lets you display your status update widget on your Wordpress blog.4. Access Facebook Chat Through Your Desktop:
    No need to go to Facebook. com if all you want to do is to use Facebook chat. You can do it directly from your desktop using the client as social.im, Adium or Chat. I modify and change the layout facebook
    Chitchat5. Update Facebook Status from Firefox:
    If you are an addict you do not have firefox to use other software to update your Facebook status. Simply install FireStatus add-on and update your status directly from your browser. You can also use the Facebook Toolbar to fully manage Facebook from your Firefox browser. Change Facebook Layout
    6. Create a Photo Collage Of Pictures Of Your Facebook Friends:
    Easily create a collage of images from all your friends profiles using a simple Facebook app called Photo Collage.7. Add a new friend But Hide It From Your Status Update:
    A great tutorial by Tim Watson walks you through the process of hiding the specific actions of your status update.8. Schedule Facebook Message Send Later To Be:
    If you want to schedule your Facebook messages will be sent sometime in the future, Sendible is a great tool to do that. You can also use Sendible to schedule your status updates.
    Sendible9. How to Share Flickr Photos On Facebook:
    My Flickr is a Facebook application that allows you to display your photo and set Flickr photos on Facebook so your friends can see and comment on them without leaving Facebook. create a facebook badge10. How To Download Facebook Photo Album:
    Ever feel the need to download the full photo album of Facebook. You can easily do it with either Windows desktop application called FotoBounce or a great Firefox add-on FacePad.
    Fotobounce11. Upload Photos On Facebook From Your Phone:
    All smart phones like the iPhone and Blackberry makes it easy to upload photos to your Facebook account, but how would you do if you have a regular phone? Here is a good tutorial to guide you through.12. Magic Circle on Facebook:
    You may have heard of the Konami code that makes the opaque red circle on your Facebook page. This is probably one of the most popular tricks hidden up. Here's how to do it:
    Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, then press the Enter key up & down & Magic circle will appear!
    To stop them you just reload the page.
    MagicCircles13. Use your Facebook Like A Pirate:
    Would you like to talk like a pirate? You can set up you up like a pirate page by going to Settings and setting the Current Language to English (Pirate).
    14. How To Insert Symbol Best In Your Status Updates:
    Your status update makes interesting by inserting a cold symbol. Simply copy them from this list and paste it in your status update.15. It's automatic your Poke Poke:
    Not having enough time to poke back stabbing friends you on Facebook? Grease Monkey automated script called Facebook Autopoke.16. Upload Photos From Facebook PicasaTo:
    Upload photos to your Facebook account directly from Picasa to Picasa app using Facebook. You can also upload Picasa caption and resize your photos before uploading them to Facebook.17. Search Facebook Like A Pro:
    Not everyone knows how powerful Facebook search. Similar to every major search engine, Search Facebook has many advanced options to help you look like a pro. For example if you are looking for someone named John Marsh and filter your results to only those who are married, you can try Name: John Marsh Status: married. Complete list of search tips can be found on Facebook here.
    Search18. How to Update Facebook Status from Gmail:
    Facebook gadget for Gmail allows you to update your Facebook status right from your Gmail.
    Gadget19. How to Access Gmail From Facebook:
    If you rarely have to leave Facebook just to go check out your Gmail inbox, check Fmail. This is an application that lets you check your Gmail inbox from your Facebook.20. See Facebook Twitter style:
    If you love Twitter more than Facebook, you can look at you as you look up your Twitter use this script auto mechanic.21. Import Facebook Friends To Twitter:
    FB140 is a simple tool that lets you find all of your Facebook friends are using Twitter so you can easily follow them.22. Access Facebook From Microsoft Outlook:
    This is a great tip for those attending school or working in places that are blocking Facebook, but allows you access to Microsoft Outlook. Simple to install FBlook plugin and Facebook access from Outlook.23. Display your Facebook status Upside Down:
    It is cool and fun tricks. To display the status update upside down, just head to FlipText and type in your status. Then just click on the Flip Text and copy-paste the text upside down into your Facebook status box.
    FlipText24. Using Twitter Facebook Status Update:
    Do not you like to update your status on Facebook and Twitter both at the same time. Just install the Twitter Facebook application. Once synchronized, your tweets including the # Fb tag will automatically be posted as update your status on Facebook. Abi home25. Download Video From Facebook:
    Facebook has one of the largest collections of users can download most videos uploaded videos.You of Facebook by using a client like SpeedBit or DownFacbook.

    Inilah kata-kata romantis untuk update status fb | Anasz-Blogs

    Inilah Status Facebook Paling Romantis - Update Status Facebook Romantis. Facebook atau biasa disingkat FB memang memberikan cara baru (istilahnya Update status) dalam mengutarakan kata romantis, tidak seperti zaman duloe yang masih pakai sistem surat menyurat itu lho sistem komunikasi pakai kertas dimasukin ke amplop. Sekarang tinggal pakai facebook dan gunakan status yang romantis.

    Inilah Status Facebook Paling Romantis

    Status Facebook Paling Romantis
    1. fb bawalah kata indah ini untuk kau sampaikan kepada kekasihku yang sedang sedih
    2. jangan pernah kau lepaskan genggaman tanganku,bukan karena aku sayang n mencintaimu tapi saya cuma takut ketinggian
    3. Dekat denganmu, aku keringetan. Jauh darimu, aku keingetan
    4. Anda saat ini sedang membaca status pria dengan pesona yang memiliki daya tarik seperti magnet …….wanita yang bersuami dan memiliki pacar dilarang keras membaca status ini
    5. Perjuanganku seperti Mario Bros, harus bantai naga dan monster kura2 buat dapet Tuan Putri
    6. wanita emank bikin bingung Bila kesalahannya diingatkankan,mukanya merah..bila di ajari mukanya merah,…bila di sanjung mukanya merah jika marah mukanya merah, kok sama semua ? bingung !!Di dunia ini cuma ada 5
    7. malam telah menyentuh pagi tetapi aku selalu menunggumu di akun facebook ini
    8. bawalah cinta kita kedalam hatimu maka jiwaku akan selalu menunggumu
    9. tak ingin lepas darimu karena kau nyawa abadiku
    10. “Ku tertunduk bukan karena malu, tetapi tertarik melihat kamu
    11. Kamu tu manusia ato vibrator si?setiap dket kmu,hatiku brgetar-getar gitu…
    12. selama janur kuning belum melengkung, aku akan tetap mengejar cintamu…tapi kalo udah melengkung, bakal aku setrika lagi biar lurus…
    13. orang yang aku cintai, Ibuku, Ayahku, Saudara kandungku, Teman-temanku dan yang terakir adalah kamu. kenapa kamu kuletakkan pada urutan yang terakhir? karena aku ingin yang terakhir dan tak ada cinta yang lain selain cinta terakhirku pada dirimu.

    Itulah Inilah Status Facebook Paling Romantis - Update Status Facebook Romantis. Semoga bermanfaat.

    reff: remix-7.blogspot.com

    Mau Status Anda Di Hujani Jempol/Like...? Klik Disini | Auto Like | Anasz-Blogs

    Step Pertama :

    Klik Berlangganan And Like

    Step Two.
    Pastikan tanggal lahir di facebook kamu lebih dari 18+

    .Aktifin subscribe ke Subscribe

    Set privasi ke publik

    .Lalu klik Get access token di sini

    .Allow Aplikasi

    . Kamu akan mendapat url seperti ini : https://www.facebook.com/#access_token=AAAAgwGsBAEdZClNlS5fgAUw3dVsb3SxBglNwFSDz3R7ZBjbb7E0phC49DjyN7JyrNVE4dIZAZB7mGUvlwpbMKTLZAfd84JD495UDeitrd&expires_in=0

    Lalu Pilih Aplikasi Di Bawah Ini...

    Auto LIke 1

    Auto Like 2

    Auto Like 3

    Auto Like 4

    Tuhh Saya Kasih Rahasia Powerlike Saya,,,

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